- Education
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EVERY Child has the right to an Education
Children with disabilities of all kinds struggle to receive an education in rural Tanzania. Negative attitudes towards persons with disabilities, lack of access to textbooks, teaching materials and trained teachers, and lack of access to a safe learning environment are just some of the challenges. Special needs students are often educated in the poorest classrooms, many times lacking windows, a chalkboard and even desks to sit in. Many parents are not willing to send their child to such a place and often worry for their safety while they are there. Due to the geographical area, lack of transportation, safety concerns and other considerations, many special needs students cannot physically get to school.
The Tanzanian government began construction of a hostel for special needs boys and girls in the Dareda Kati Primary School of Ayalagaya with the purpose of providing a home to all 372 students with disabilities in the whole district in January 2022. Unfortunately, the funds for this project have run out. In March 2022, the Ayalagaya community prioritized the completion of this project ahead of other educational projects and asked Karimu to step in to finish the hostel. Karimu said yes.
One of the Ayalagaya teachers confirmed “Truly, this is a blessing. The parents do not have the resources to take care of these students.” The special needs teacher in Ayalagaya,longer be wandering the street— everyone deserves an education.“ And G Nemus, said that he was pleased that children with “special needs would no ertrude Gaviche, District Education Officer of Primary Schools agrees “Special needs students have so much potential. They will be able to realize their potential by receiving consistent safe education.”
We are thrilled with the opportunity to partner with the community and the government to provide to special needs students the opportunity every child deserves: the right to an education and a brighter future.

Update Oct 2022: The hostel is complete and beautiful. It is an accessible, sun-filled space. It includes dorm rooms with individual lockers, boys and girls bathrooms and wash areas, and water storage to ensure uninterrupted running water.

Access to education for special needs students
Karimu: $122,520.57
Community: $648.23 (in labor)
Tanzanian Government: $34,572.17