  • Education
Start Date:
12 Oct 2024

Build the Remaining Classrooms for Haysam Primary


410 students are enrolled in Haysam Primary School. The students, teachers, and community take pride in their school.  As of the commencement of this project:

  • Student attendance is over 91% and teacher attendance is 96%.

  • Almost 97% passed the national exam last year (more than 2.5x the national average) placing them in the top third of the country.

  • Bathroom supplies (soap, menstrual pads for girls, bucket and brush for cleaning) have been available 100% of the time.

  • Hygiene training has been completed every year.

  • All students are receiving daily meals.

  • Maintenance incidents have an average time to fix of 23 days, exceeding our target!  


While Karimu has built two classroom blocks on campus, there are still classrooms with dirt floors, no lighting, and no windows.


Students in class at Haysam Primary in remaining old building


The school currently averages 23 students per teacher, but only 68 students per good classroom.  Our goal is to have 45 students per good classroom. This project involves demolishing the old classroom (saving the bricks for reuse), and building three blocks of classrooms and offices two of which include two classrooms and an office and the third block with two classrooms and a staff room for teachers. This will complete the planned classrooms for Haysam Primary. We want all students in Ayalagaya to have bright, safe classrooms in which to learn: that means rooms with functioning roofs, windows, and doors to keep out the rain, wind, and cold, rooms that are well lit and have legible blackboards, rooms with solid floors that can be cleaned for sanitation and keep down dust, and rooms that provide inspiring learning environments.


At the end of this project, the only remaining project at Haysam Primary is building a new kitchen.


To date Karimu has completed these projects for Haysam Primary


Here is the layout for the planned construction.

Buildings in blue are for this project. After this the only remaining construction project is for the kitchen shown in brown.


The community is providing the equivalent of $5,755 in labor, materials, and cash - almost 7.5% of the total estimated cost.


  • Demolishing, cleaning 7 classrooms @ 400,000 = Tsh 2,800,000

  • Digging foundation for 7 classrooms and 2 office = Tsh 1,000,000

  • Bricks for classrooms 63,000@100 =Tsh 6,300,000

  • Cash contribution = Tsh ~4,862,000



  • Improved student focus

  • Improved student performance

  • Improved teacher retention



  • Karimu cost: $71,838

  • Community cost and/or contribution: $5,755