  • Education
Start Date:
24 May 2024

A Kitchen for Ufani Primary School

The Final project


Ufani Primary School is the origin story of Karimu. It was here that Marianne and Don were inspired to help the rural students in Tanzania in 2007 with a $500 donation to build 6 toilets. Since then Karimu has continued to pour love and energy into Ufani Primary with these many projects over the years. 



The last remaining project at the school is to build a school kitsch to serve the 474 students and teachers at the school. Part of the requirement for Karimu projects is that the community fund daily meals for all students. However, all these years, those meals have been cooked over open fires outdoors or in a tiny hut subjecting cooks and students to smoke and weather (see banner photo above).


Adults prepare grain for lunch


Regardless of the challenges, the Ufani community has consistently fed the students. See below their track record since January 2021 (which can be viewed on the Karimu Schools Dashboard).



In addition, Karimu requires regular and prompt maintenance of completed construction by the head of school and Ufani has consistently driven down the average days to fix 25 in 2023 and 23 in 2024!


Karimu is now able to build a kitchen for the school. Here is the site layout with the kitchen in blue.



The new kitchen will include three rooms: one for grain storage, one for cooking with four high efficiency stoves, and a covered serving area for protection from the weather.

Construction on the school officially began in May with the community arrinving the clear, level, and dig the foundation.

The community came together to clear and level the ground and dig the trenches for the foundation


The foundation takes shape and walls begin to go up


Walls, roofing, open air windows, and protected serving area take shape



  • Safety for cooks and children



  • Karimu cost: $26,662
  • Community cost and/or contribution: $2,912